Fraud Alert

We have seen instances when fake job listings are posted online and fake job offers are conveyed through email in an effort to deceive unwary job seekers into providing their personal information and/or money. Note that does not support or act as a spokesperson for any employer or recruiter who sends such false communications, which are in fact against our Terms & Conditions. is committed to providing the safest possible environment for you to search and apply to jobs and manage your career.


The following advice will assist you in handling dubious job offers, links, or emails.


Any offer that seems too good to be true should be double checked before contacting the source of the offer or content.


Give your identifying details only if you are certain the other person is who they say they are. You may, for instance, request a call-back number from them to serve as a means of verification.


When giving out credit card or bank information or conducting any financial transactions, exercise caution. Make sure to confirm the validity of the employer before doing business with them.


Don't provide any non-work-related personal information over the phone or online, such as your ID number, eye color, marital status, etc.


If you see a questionable Job Posting or any potential misuse of the site or its brand, please report the suspected fraud to at . If you think you have been a victim of fraud, immediately report the committed fraud to, so that the required steps can be taken for your safety. Educate yourself on Phishing and Spoofing - Internet Fraud Scam.